Doug Fickbohm, President
Ruth-Ann Dannenbring, Vice President
Kathy Harens, Treasurer
Kathleen Flow, Secretary
Roger Meyer
Mary Milroy
Linda Stephenson
Lori Ibarolle
Craig Sommer
Sandra Heatherly
Jesse Sealey
Roger Dietrich
Brian Hunhoff, City Commission Rep.
Wanda Fox, County Commission Rep.
The Yankton County Historical Society Board of Directors meets at 5:30pm on the third Thursday of each month, at the Mead Museum.
Meetings are open to the public.
Board members can serve two consecutive 3-year terms. At that time the outgoing member is welcome to return after sitting out for one year.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the Board of Directors, please contact Crystal Mensch by calling 605-655-3555 or by email at director@meadbuilding.org.